Welcome to CLINICCAI
Clinical Translation of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions
You are kindly invited to submit your translational research on medical image computing, computer-assisted intervention, 3D-printing and healthcare robotics for presentation at CLINICCAI, a clinician-centered event at the 28th edition of the annual MICCAI conference.
The International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) annually hosts over 2.500 biomedical scientists discussing cutting-edge methods and applications in medical imaging and computer-assisted intervention. The fifth edition of CLINICCAI - Clinical Translation of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Interventions - at MICCAI2025 aims to attract healthcare practitioners interested in discussing how recent methodological breakthroughs in medical imaging, 3D-printing, robotics, deep learning, and other techniques can translate into value for patients and healthcare systems. One of main themes of this MICCAI event is "From Concept to Clinical” and there will be many important sessions regarding clinical translation of new technologies in main MICCAI meetings.
The event will take place in Daejeon, Republic of Korea, on September 25, 2025. While participating in CLINCCAI, healthcare practitioners are invited to explore the main program (September 24~26) and get inspired by the scientific sessions, workshops, and social activities of the biomedical conference.
Healthcare practitioners involved in multidisciplinary research teams or start-ups are strongly encouraged to submit original works focusing on preclinical or clinical translation.
Topics of interest to CLINICCAI include, but are not limited to:
- AI and other techniques for medical image analysis
- Image-guided intervention and surgery
- Surgical data science
- Digital pathology
- Computer-aided diagnosis
- Predictive modeling of risks, diseases, and patients' outcomes
- Preoperative planning and surgical guidance
- Immersive technologies in radiology and surgery (mixed, augmented, and virtual reality)
- Video-based assessment of surgical procedures
- Clinical decision support systems
Abstracts no longer than 600 words should be submitted via Microsoft's CMTplatform by April 15, 2025 according to guidelines available on the website. Submissions will be reviewed by physicians from the CLINICCAI committees and authors will be notified about the decision by May 31, 2025.
Presenting authors must be healthcare practitioners who commit to register for the conference and travel to Daejeon. All presentations will compete for the CLINICCAI Best Presentation Award, to be announced at the end of the event.
We look forward to welcoming you to CLINICCAI!
CLINICCAI's Organizing Committee
CLINICCAI will consider original works focusing on the preclinical or clinical translation of medical image computing, computer-assisted interventions, and healthcare robotics. Submissions should be original, written in standard English, and limited to a maximum of 600 words. The first and presenting author should be a healthcare practitioner.
- Full title: The title should be concise, specific, and informative. Please limit the length of the title to 150 characters. Whenever possible include study type (e.g., first-in-animal, first-in-human, clinical trial, etc.).
- Authors: The first author should be the healthcare practitioner presenting at CLINICCAI.
- Affiliations: Please limit the affiliations to 2 per author.
- Presenting author: Please provide the full name, affiliation, and contacts (email, phone number) of the presenting author.
- Keywords: Please provide 3-5 keywords.
- Key information: Please to 100 words.
- Research question: aim based on the study hypothesis or goal/purpose.
- Findings: results focused on primary outcome(s) and finding(s).
- Meaning: key conclusion and implication.
- Manuscript: Please limit to 600 words.
- Introduction: Please summarize the context, the addressed clinical need, the hypothesis, and aim of your work.
- Material and methods: Please include a description of the device (development, performance, etc.) being tested, the experimental setting, study outcomes, and analysis.
- Results: Please avoid referencing results not yet available at the time of submission. Tables, pictures, and illustrations should be in a separate page at the end of the manuscript.
- Discussion and Conclusion: Please emphasize new and important findings and aspects of the study, and the conclusions to be drawn, focusing on the potential to impact clinical care. Include the limitations and propose improvements whenever possible.
- References: A total of 10 references following the AMA style (10thed).
- Disclosures: Please explicit any potential conflict of interest handled during the work
Topics of interest to CLINICCAI include, but are not limited to:
- AI and other techniques for medical image analysis
- Image-guided intervention and surgery
- Surgical data science
- Digital pathology
- Computer-aided diagnosis
- Predictive modeling of risks, diseases, and patients' outcomes
- Preoperative planning and surgical guidance
- Immersive technologies in radiology and surgery (mixed, augmented, and virtual reality)
- Video-based assessment of surgical procedures
- Clinical decision support systems
- Call for abstracts
- January 28, 2025
- Abstract submission deadline
- 23:59 PST, April 15, 2025
- Notification
- 23:59 PST, May 31, 2025
- Camera ready abstracts
- CLINICCAI conference
- September 25, 2025
Program Chairs
- Seo Joon Beom, MD, PhD
- University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
- Steven Wong, MD
- SingHealth Duke-NUS Radiological Sciences Academic Clinical Programme, Singapore
- Jonghye Woo, PhD
- Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
- Nicolas Padoy, PhD
- University of Strasbourg & Institute of Image-Guided Surgery, IHU Strasbourg, France
- Joe Yeong, MD
- Singapore General Hospital, IMCB, A*STAR, Singapore
- Chan Kwon Jung, MD, PhD
- The Catholic University, Seoul, Korea
- Joël L. Lavanchy, MD
- Clarunis, University Digestive Health Care Center, Basel, Switzerland
- Daniel A. Hashimoto, MD MSc
- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
- Sandrine De Ribaupierre, MD
- Western University, London, Canada
- Saad Slimani, MD
- University Hassan II & Deepecho, Casablanca, Morocco
Program Committee
- Tarik Alkasab
- Maria Altieri
- Regina Beets-Tan
- Ivo Boskoski
- Jason Chan
- Yosep Chong
- Simone Famularo
- Jurgen Fütterer
- Alain Garcia
- Ryan Harari
- Chang Wook Jeong
- Hyung Kyung Kim
- Hyun Guy Kang
- Pietro Macagni
- Amin Madani
- Changmin Park
- Pieter De Backer
- Duygu Sarikaya
- Barbara Seeliger
- Jongmo Seo
- Gregory Sharp
- Dae Kyung Sohn
- Vince Vardhanabhuti
- Swaroop Vedula
- Marco Zenati
- Inti Zlobec