6-10 October 2024 • MARRAKESH / MOROCCO

MICCAI 2024 NEW Open Data Initiative:

Dear Researchers,

This year's MICCAI Conference will feature the first Open Data initiative ever. The Open Data Session will run in the afternoon of October 7, in parallel with the main track. We are happy to announce the call for papers and welcome you to submit your work.

As the landscape of medical machine learning continues to evolve, access to diverse, representative, and inclusive datasets has become paramount for addressing global healthcare challenges effectively. The Open Data initiative aims to empower collaboration and innovation by facilitating and promoting sharing of medical imaging datasets. Therefore, our Open Data initiative has established the AFRICAI repository, with the aim of hosting publicly available high-quality medical imaging datasets, focused on underrepresented populations and diseases.

We invite submissions of papers describing novel datasets - especially from the African continent and other underrepresented populations and diseases - including methodologies for the data collection and curation, and innovative approaches for utilizing them in medical imaging research. Accepted papers will have the opportunity of oral presentation at the Open Data session and will be invited for submission at the MELBA journal Resource track to be published in a special issue on Open Data MICCAI 2024. Datasets have to be uploaded to the AFRICAI repository upon acceptance but can already be uploaded starting now by filling in our submission form.

Topics of interest for MICCAI 2024 Open Data include, but are not limited to:

  • New medical imaging datasets that encompass diverse demographics, ethnicities, and medical conditions. This year is especially focused on the African continent, with the release of the AFRICAI repository, but we also welcome datasets from other (underrepresented) populations or diseases.
  • Updated or re-designed datasets based on previously publicly available data.
  • Dataset collection and annotation techniques.
  • Data augmentation strategies for improving dataset diversity.
  • Ethical considerations in data sharing and privacy preservation.
  • Applications of open data in medical image analysis, diagnosis, and treatment planning.
  • Challenges and opportunities in accessing and utilizing underrepresented datasets.
Submission deadlines

Paper submission deadline: 23:59 CET, July 1, 2024
Review deadline: 23:59 CET, July 15, 2024
Notification of acceptance: 23:59 CET, July 19, 2024
Camera-ready paper submission: 23:59 CET, August 19, 2024

More information can be found on our website:

We look forward to your submissions and seeing you in Marrakesh at the 1st MICCAI Open Data session.

Martijn P.A. Starmans, Apostolia Tsirikoglou
Open Data Organizing Committee