25th International Conference on Medical Image
Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention

September 18-22, 2022
Resorts World Convention Centre Singapore


Dates Task Description
Feb 23, 16:00 UTC and Feb 24, 08:00 UTC First Teleconference with Area Chairs Teleconference between Area Chairs and Program Chairs to discuss the review process and reviewing criteria
March 8 Paper Assignment to Area Chairs Papers are assigned to Area Chairs based on declared conflicts, relevance (subject area match), and TPMS scores while maintaining a global load balance
March 9 - 15 Reviewer Suggestions Area Chairs suggest 9 to 15 reviewers to each of their assigned papers
March 9, 16:00 UTC and Mach 10, 08:00 UTC Review tutorial for Reviewers Teleconference between reviewers and Program Chairs to to discuss the review process and reviewing criteria
March 18 - 21 Paper Bidding Reviewers bid for the papers suggested to them (options: Eager to review, Willing, In a Pinch, Not Willing)
March 24 Paper-Reviewer Assignment Papers are assigned to Reviewers based on declared conflicts, Reviewer's bid, relevance, TPMS scores, and Area Chair's suggestion while maintaining a global load balance
March 25 - April 7 Paper Review Reviewers perform paper review
March 25 - April 27 Meta-Review Area Chairs monitor the review progress, perform meta-review on assigned papers, and provide initial recommendation
May 5 Release of Early Notification Based on Area Chair's recommendation, list of papers with early acceptance/rejection is announced. Area Chairs have to follow the guidelines set by the Program Chairs to make their recommendations. Those papers without early recommendation enter the rebuttal phase
May 6 - 12 Rebuttal Phase Authors invited to submit rebuttal have one week to address reviewers' comments. Rebuttals will be read only by assigned Area Chairs
May 13 - May 27 Scoring of Rebuttal Papers Two additional Area Chairs will be assigned to each paper. Area Chairs perform final meta-review on rebuttal papers and provide final recommendation
TBD Final Teleconference Area Chairs and Program Chairs discuss rebuttal papers
June 2 Final Notification Based on Area Chairs' recommendation, Program Chairs will make final decision about the paper acceptance and final announcement is made