25th International Conference on Medical Image
Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention

September 18-22, 2022
Resorts World Convention Centre Singapore



Session Format and Presentation Instructions - updated Sept 7th, 2022

The final main conference program is now available here. Access to Pathable and upload instructions have been sent to the registered presenters on September 1st. All other registered conference attendees will receive their login information on Sept 13th. As communicated in our emails, we will not be able to accommodate any further change in presentation mode (in person vs virtual).

Please make sure your files are uploaded no later than Sept 12th as conference attendees can start browsing Pathable on Sept 13th. Our admin team will also be en route to Singapore shortly after, we will not be able to assist you after Sept 12th. If you do not receive a login email from Pathable, please check your SPAM folder first before contacting Virtual Platform Manager John Baxter. See the email sent via CMT for John's email address. If you encounter any upload issues, please also contact John.

All presenters (In person or Virtual) are required to upload a virtual poster and a 5-minute video to Pathable. For in-person presenters, please be reminded that your printed poster must be in portrait format (max size 33.1 x 46.8 in). For virtual presenters, your virtual poster is best displayed in landscape format. Virtual Presenters do not have a poster board and do not need to prepare a printed poster.

MICCAI2022 will be a primarily in-person event with virtual components. The conference agenda will follow Singapore local time. All presenters (oral and poster) are expected to be available at the scheduled presentation time for live presentations, regardless of the presentation mode (in-person or virtual).

Oral Sessions

For Oral sessions, presentations will be given live followed by a live Q&A. We will be using Pathable as our virtual platform. All sessions will be broadcast LIVE to Pathable where the virtual conference attendees can participate in real-time.

Instructions for Oral presenters

Please prepare slides for a 10-minute presentation. After your talk, there will be approximately 5 minutes for questions. We asked all oral presenters (both in person or virtual) to upload a backup video presentation to Pathable one week prior to the conference. Timing will be strictly enforced to ensure a smooth handover between speakers. Please ensure that you have rehearsed the timing of your talk beforehand. As a rule of thumb, you should have one slide per minute of talk time. The session chair will introduce each speaker and the title of the talk. Each oral presentation will also have an associated poster presentation.

In-person Oral Presenters: please arrive at the presentation room at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the session. In-person presenters will be required to use the conference system to minimize setup time. Your slides must be submitted at least one day before your scheduled talk day. Please upload your slides to https://www.dropbox.com/request/as8ESDq2HTL26SGcPL45
Please prefix your file with your Oral session number and talk number for easy identification. For example, 3-4 John Doe.pptx if you are in Oral session 3, talk number 4. There will be a speaker-ready room to check your files with the conference system.

Virtual Oral Presenters: each virtual Oral presenter will be receiving instructions and an individualized zoom link to join the oral session no later than 16 September 2022.

Slides Format

The preferred formats are Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe PDF. Please prepare your slides in 16:9 aspect ratio. We suggest bringing a copy of all the files including movies on a USB key. If you are including videos in your presentation, it is highly recommended you use a standard codec such as Microsoft Video 1 to avoid playback issues. Exporting the presentation using the Package for CD option from PowerPoint will ensure that all media files are copied into one location and file paths are adjusted inside the presentation. Windows Video Player is installed in the presentation computer.

Video format for Pathable

Your 10 minutes backup video of your presentation must be uploaded to Pathable one week prior to the conference. Format: mp4 at 1080p, maximum file size 2 GB, encoded with H.264 (AVCHD) video codec and AAC audio codec. For uploaded videos, please keep the encoded video bitrate between 4.5Mbps and 6Mbps to balance quality and playback smoothness.

Poster Sessions

Each accepted paper (including Oral papers) has an assigned poster session at the conference. Inside the poster hall, multiple computers will be set up alongside poster boards to allow virtual poster presenters to interact with in-person conference attendees in real-time. Virtual conference attendees can also interact with virtual presenters in real-time through Pathable. However, interactions between virtual conference attendees and in-person presenters will be conducted offline.

Each poster presenter will have a landing page on Pathable, the virtual platform. We are asking all presenters (both in person and virtual) to prepare and upload a 5-minute video and a virtual poster to Pathable one week prior to the conference. Your virtual poster and video will be available to all conference attendees 24/7 throughout the conference.

During the assigned poster session, one of the authors must present the paper either at their in-person poster or connect to the assigned Zoom meeting room and be ready to screen-share and engage with conference attendees. All presenters (both in person and virtual) are expected to check their message board on Pathable daily to interact with conference attendees.

Logistics for Virtual Poster Presenters:

We have dedicated a Zoom meeting room for each virtual poster presenter to interact with conference participants during the scheduled poster session. The link to join your meeting room will be posted on your Poster landing page in Pathable shortly. Please enter your meeting room at least 5 minutes prior to your scheduled presentation time and be ready to interact with conference participants. Upon entering the room, please use the rename function to add your session number in front of your name and add the word "speaker”. This will bring you to the top of the participant list and distinguish you as a speaker. For example, if you are presenting in poster session 1, rename yourself to 1 - John Doe (Speaker). Please remove the session number and speaker designation after your session ends.

We have also designated for you a computer that is physically located in the poster hall in Singapore. This computer will be connected to your Zoom meeting room. In-Person conference participants who wish to interact with you will be able to do so through this computer.

During your poster session, if you encounter any technical difficulties, please email secretariat@miccai2022.org.

Please note that virtual presenters do NOT have an assigned poster board and do NOT have to prepare a printed poster.

Logistics for In-Person Poster Presenters:

Please be reminded that your printed poster must be in portrait format (max size 33.1 x 46.8 in). During the assigned poster sessions, one of the authors must be at the poster to interact with in-person conference participants. The posters may be mounted beginning at 07:00 on Monday, Sept 19, and must stay up throughout the three days of the main conference. They must be removed on Wednesday, Sept 21, between 18:00 and 20:00. Posters left behind will be discarded. Please note that we do not provide poster printing services.

Format and Specifications
  • [both in-person and virtual presenters] 5 minutes presentation video to upload to Pathable. Format: mp4 at 1080p, maximum file size 1 GB, encoded with H.264 (AVCHD) video codec and AAC audio codec. For uploaded video please keep the encoded video bitrate between 4.5Mbps and 6Mbps to balance quality and playback smoothness. Papers selected to give an oral presentation can use their 10-minute backup video instead.
  • [both in-person and virtual presenters] Virtual Poster in PDF format to upload to Pathable. Maximum file size 3 MB. We recommend A0 size with at least 32 font size, 72 DPI (3370 x 2384).
  • Video and poster PDF must be uploaded to Pathable no later than September 12th. Please respect this upload deadline. Our support team will be en route to Singapore and will not be able to assist you after September 12.
  • [in-person presenters only] Physical poster in Portrait format. The maximum poster size for MICCAI 2022 is A0, (i.e. 841 x 1189 mm or 33.1 x 46.8 in) (Width x Height) portrait format. Please adhere to this format. Please refer to the first column in the final program for your poster board identifier.
  • [virtual presenters only] please ensure that you have a good internet connection, good microphone, and preferably a webcam available for your presentation. You will be able to share your screen during your poster presentation if you want.